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At the High School in Oakland, CA, many of the students are welcoming and kind.


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Peer pressure was not an issue when I went to school here and in my experience.


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As a private school, we had a small student body and we mostly knew everyone.

Smarter way to go through your school

A private institution with a public purpose, Ransom Everglades combines rigorous college preparation with a commitment

Learning to navigate unfamiliar environments has always been a key part of a Ed education, whether the challenge is physical, and leadership. Ed education, whether the challenge whether the challenge is physical.

Navigate unfamiliar environments has always been a key part of a Ed education, whether the challenge is physical, important and leadership. Ed education, whether the challenge.

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My year at Ed has given me a strong academic and research preparation.

- Helen Shultz

The faculty members were for the most part fantastic of quite helpful

- Thomas Shultz

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Accordo di partnership con Imat

L’Istituto Scolastico A. Manzoni e la Italian Maritime Academy Technologies hanno stipulato una partnership per…

Diplomarsi al Nautico e trovare subito lavoro

L’Istituto Tecnico Nautico ha lo scopo di preparare le figure professionali più altamente qualificate che…

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